
Showing posts from October, 2018

2nd grading reflection

In two months I've learned so many things that I can surely apply it to my daily life. We learned about things, about web design.      I know we all experience problem while we're studying, I experience not knowing to manage my time we'll,  I experience getting stressed. I also experienced getting lazy to do my tasks. I overcome it all because I have my friends around me, they are always there for me. And of course my family is the main reason why I keep in going on and I know that god will always guide me.      Moving on, I will try my best. I will try to focus more on my studies. I will always remember that there are so many people who are always gonna be there when I need them the most and that god doesn't give a struggle that we cannot overcome.

Teacher's Day

Teacher’s Day is a special day dedicated to all teachers, celebrates every year on 5th of September to honor the teachers and appreciate their special contributions towards education. The role of teachers in everyone’s life is great as they are the only visual source of knowledge for their students. Teachers help children with every step of this process. In preschool and kindergarten, it is vitally important for children to engage in word play – to sing songs, listen to and make up rhymes, and begin to identify the individual sounds in words. Through reading books to young children, teachers introduce them to unfamiliar vocabulary words they would never hear in casual conversation, and prime them to comprehend what they will read independently in later years. Most importantly, great teachers help young pre-readers and readers discover a love of literature. As children move up to first grade and beyond, teachers help them make sense of the tricky features of the English language by

UN 2018

     The world can leverage united nations day every October 24 to honor the interstate organization promoting human rights social progress and World peace founding the United Nations right the very tragic World War II meant a very important idea to be embedded in every nation that is to achieve peace. The world has witnessed the massive migration of people fleeing violent conflict on as scale not seen since the Second World War and the undeniable megarrend of climate change and it's multiplier effects demand global action, yet multilateralism is being questioned.      Saving succeeding generations from the scourge of war was the main motivation of creating the United Nations who's founders live trough the devastation of two world wars. Since its creation, the UN has often been called upon to prevent disputes from escalating into war, or to help restore peace when armed conflict does break out, and to promote lasting peace in societies emerging from wars. Reference:      ww

science month 2018

     The national science club month 2018 with the theme "wavefron: accentuating  potentials, activating technological advancemen." Science  and technology played a major role in building great nations, spreading global modernisation, making our life easier and shaping the world where we lived,  used Those as stepping stones to attain success. National science club month celebration is one of the most Awaited celebration among all the students to f our school.      The theme urges everyone of us to use our talents, maximize our knowledge, and unleash our potentials so that we can contribute in the development, progress, and advancement of technology. We may not know it, but even our smallest efforts can contribute to our society, and inspire other people to take actions too.      If we discover our potentials as early as now, we will know more about ourselves such as our strengths and our weaknesses. If we know these, we can capitalize on our own strengths and improve our w