Change: starts with me

     Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” — Leo Tolstoy. Everyone has an opinion on what is wrong with the world, yet few will do the work to improve their own lives. Changing the world begins with improving who we are on the inside.
     I can improve the world by consciously looking around and thinking, at every opportunity, How can I help? The most powerful way one can change the world isn’t simply by doing one thing, but instead is a way of life revolving around the concept of altruism. The positive impact I can make starts within myself; by becoming a truly giving person, I can change the world. While self-improvement may seem a passive process, it’s actually a challenge requiring daily practice.
     If you want to change reality start with yourself first and attend to your own personal development. In doing so, problems give way to solutions and no longer affect you.


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