When the new year comes around it seems like the perfect time for self-improvement. Even though I’ve always failed my new year’s resolutions, every year I promise myself that this time will be different. Everyone has an opinion on what is wrong with the world, yet few will do the work to improve their own lives.
     Why do I see myself as a failure? Why do I see everyone better than me? Why do I see myself nothing? Back then, I suffered anxiety when weekdays. School means a lot of recitations and speeches in front. I always feel nervous whenever teacher asks every one of us to speak in front, I was worried because I might fail. But when time has passed, I learned to be better. Every new year, I always make a list of my resolutions.
     It’s not enough to state just once, when the new year begins. You need to repeat your resolution every day, with belief and faith, and be willing to do whatever it needs to accomplish them not just repeat the words with your lips.


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